Walk on, walk on with hope in your heart, and you'll never walk alone, you'll never walk alone.
Oscar Hammerstein IIBerlin's great secret is that he says exactly what he means; sometimes he hits a gigantic line both musically and lyrically -- almost Wagnerian in its strength.
Oscar Hammerstein IIA bell's not a bell 'til you ring it, A song's not a song 'til you sing it, Love in your heart wasn't put there to stay, Love isn't love 'til you give it away!
Oscar Hammerstein IIDo I love you because you're beautiful, or are you beautiful because I love you? Am I making believe I see in you, a woman too perfect to be really true? Do I want you because you're wonderful, or are you wonderful because I want you? Are you the sweet invention of a lover's dream, or are you really as beautiful as you seem?
Oscar Hammerstein IIThe hills are alive with the sound of music, with songs they have sung for a thousand years.
Oscar Hammerstein IIWhy you were born and why you are living depend entirely on what you are getting out of this world and what you are giving to it. I cannot prove that this is a balance of mathematical perfection, but my own observation of life leads me to the conclusion that there is a very real friendship, both quantitatively and qualitatively, between what you contribute and what you get out of life.
Oscar Hammerstein II