Some of us are like the Dead Sea, always taking in but never giving out, because we are not rightly related to the Lord Jesus.
Oswald ChambersWe are not to preach the doing of good things; good deeds are not to be preached, they are to be performed.
Oswald ChambersThe strain of life is what builds our strength. If there is no strain, there will be no strength.
Oswald ChambersThe marvelous thing about spiritual wealth is that when we take our part in that, everyone else is blessed; whereas if we refused to be partakers, we hinder others from entering into the riches of God.
Oswald ChambersBelieve steadfastly on Him and everything that challenges you will strengthen your faith. There is continual testing in the life of faith up to the point of our physical death, which is the last great test. Faith is absolute trust in God-trust that could never imagine that He would forsake us.
Oswald Chambers