There have been prophets and students who handle the Bible like a child's box of bricks; they explain to us the design and structure and purpose; but as time goes on things do not work out in their way at all. They have mistaken the scaffolding for the structure, while all the time God is working out His purpose with a great and undeterred patience.
Oswald ChambersNever take your obedience as the reason God blesses you; obedience is the outcome of being rightly related to God.
Oswald ChambersHoliness is the balance between my nature and the law of God as expressed in Jesus Christ.
Oswald ChambersThe moment we recognize our complete weakness and our dependence upon Him will be the very moment that the Spirit of God will exhibit His power.
Oswald ChambersWe will suffer a sharp painful disullisionment before we fully surrender. When people really see themselves as the Lord sees them, it is not the terribly offensive sins of the fleshthat shock them, but the awful nature of the pride of their own hearts opposing Jesus Christ. When they see themselves in the light of the Lord, the shame, the horror, and desperate conviction hit home for them.
Oswald Chambers