There are many things that are perfectly legitimate, but if you are going to concentrate on God you cannot do them.
Oswald ChambersNever look for right in the other man, but never cease to be right yourself. We always look for justice in this world, but there is no such thing as justice. Jesus says — Never look for justice, but never cease to give it.
Oswald ChambersIt is misleading to imagine that we are developed in spite of our circumstances, for we are developed because of them. It is mastery in circumstances that is needed, not mastery over them.
Oswald ChambersPatience has the meaning of testing-a thing drawn out and tested, drawn out to the last strand in a strain without breaking, and ending in sheer joy. The strain on a violin string when stretched to the uttermost gives it its strength; and the stronger the strain, the finer is the sound of our life for God, and He never strains more than we are able to bear.
Oswald Chambers