When you have learned to walk in the light of the Lord, bitterness and contention are impossible.
Oswald ChambersNever consider whether you are of use; but ever consider that you are not your own but His.
Oswald ChambersAll of God’s people are ordinary people who have been made extraordinary by the purpose He has given them.
Oswald ChambersNever allow anything that divides or destroys the oneness of your life with Christ to remain in your life without facing it.
Oswald ChambersSpiritual lust--'I must have it at once'--causes me to demand an answer from God, instead of seeking God himself who gives the answer. Is today 'the third day' and He has still not done what I expected? Whenever we insist that God should give us an answer to prayer we are off track. The purpose of prayer is that we get a hold of God, not of the answer.
Oswald Chambers