If we simply preach the effects of redemption in the human life instead of the revealed, divine truth regarding Jesus Himself, the result is not new birth in those who listen. The result is {only} a refined religious lifestyle . . . we must make sure that we are living in such harmony with God that as we proclaim His truth He can create in others those things which He alone can do.
Oswald ChambersAs Christians we are not out for our own cause at all, we are out for the cause of God, which can never be our cause. We do not know what God is after, but we have to maintain our relationship with Him whatever happens.
Oswald ChambersBe persistent with your disturbance until you get face to face with the Lord himself. Don't deify common sense.
Oswald ChambersWorship God in the difficult circumstances, and when He chooses, He will alter them in two seconds.
Oswald Chambers