We should be supportive of the president and supportive of rights of all in a pluralistic democracy that we're called to love. And we live our faith; we don't legislate our faith.
Otis Moss IIIBeing outraged about two men or two women, it requires absolutely no work on the ground. So you can be outraged and you can be an armchair activist, engage in nothing and just simply get on the microphone and say, "I don't believe in X, Y, and Z, and it's terrible," and you can call them names.
Otis Moss IIIThere is a different spelling between "rights" and "rites" - in other words, civic legislators and ecclesiastical councils have different responsibilities.
Otis Moss IIII will fight to the death for one's right to be able to practice in their temple, their mosque, or in their church, even if they have a different belief than I do.
Otis Moss IIIThat it is not same-gender relationships that are destroying marriage. What is actually destroying marriage is high unemployment, incarceration, a lack of education and ministers living in contradiction where they speak about holiness on one side but yet are living in adultery on the other.
Otis Moss III