To go to law is for two persons to kindle a fire, at their own cost, to warm others and singe themselves to cinders; and because they cannot agree as to what is truth and equity, they will both agree to unplume themselves that others may be decorated with their feathers.
Owen FelthamDiscontent is like ink poured into water, which fills the whole fountain full of blackness.
Owen FelthamHe that, when he should not, spends too much, shall, when he would not, have too little to spend.
Owen FelthamHuman life has not a surer friend, nor oftentimes a greater enemy, than hope. It is the miserable man's god, which in the hardest gripe of calamity never fails to yield to him beams of comfort. It is the presumptuous man's devil, which leads him a while in a smooth way, and then suddenly breaks his neck.
Owen Feltham