Magic Johnson is my biggest role model and I am his biggest fan. I actually met him recently and ran up to him and said, "man, I am your biggest fan, I'm P.K. Subban," and he said "I know who you are," and I was like, "what!" I was blown away just standing there talking to him and he was so nice.
P. K. Subban[Magic] Johnson is seriously remarkable, in terms of what he has accomplished in his profession and outside of his profession as well.
P. K. SubbanI think it's just having the support of our parents. Knowing that they're going to keep you on the right path and guide you.
P. K. SubbanI instantly connected with the sport and I have fond memories of growing up on my skating rink that my dad made for us in our backyard.
P. K. SubbanMy dad has always said to me, "where there is a will there is a way" and this is the type of dedication hockey has taught me. Being dedicated to this sport [hockey] has been my will to play.
P. K. Subban