I like my R&B, my hip-hop. But I'm old school, I don't like a lot of new stuff. Though I do like a little bit of Meek Mill. He kind of sounds angry when he's rapping so I like that part of the game.
P. K. SubbanGrowing up, it was tough to balance, but looking back I appreciate my parents' efforts to make sure I was well-rounded.
P. K. SubbanNow that doesn't take anything away from my brothers, Malcolm [Subban] is good looking and Jordan's [Subban] a good looking guy, too. I mean they are related to me so they get a little bit of the looks.
P. K. SubbanFor [Malcolm Subban] I know that he's the No. 1 ranked goalie in North America and the world right now, he's got a great opportunity. He's got to enjoy this whole process because it only comes once. Not that many players get the opportunity to walk up on that stage and get that jersey.
P. K. SubbanMagic Johnson is my biggest role model and I am his biggest fan. I actually met him recently and ran up to him and said, "man, I am your biggest fan, I'm P.K. Subban," and he said "I know who you are," and I was like, "what!" I was blown away just standing there talking to him and he was so nice.
P. K. Subban