Between lips and lips there are cities of great ash and moist summit, drops of when and how, vague comings and goings: between lips and lips as along a shore of sand and glass the wind passes.
Pablo NerudaFue adondo a mi me perdieron quw logre por fin encontrarme? Was it where they lost me that I finally found myself?
Pablo NerudaComo se reparten el sol en el naranjo las naranjas? How do the oranges divide up sunlight in the orange tree?
Pablo NerudaSonnet XXV Before I loved you, love, nothing was my own: I wavered through the streets, among Objects: Nothing mattered or had a name: The world was made of air, which waited. I knew rooms full of ashes, Tunnels where the moon lived, Rough warehouses that growled 'get lost', Questions that insisted in the sand. Everything was empty, dead, mute, Fallen abandoned, and decayed: Inconceivably alien, it all Belonged to someone else - to no one: Till your beauty and your poverty Filled the autumn plentiful with gifts.
Pablo Neruda