How could Michelangelo have seen his David in a block of marble? Man began to make images only because he discovered them nearly formed around him, already within reach. He saw them in a bone, in the bumps of a cave, in a piece of wood. One form suggested a woman to him, another a buffalo, still another the head of a monster.
Pablo PicassoAn idea is a point of departure and no more. As soon as you elaborate it, it becomes transformed by thought.
Pablo PicassoStyle is besides the point. Nobody would pay attention if one always said the same thing, in the same words and the same tone of voice.
Pablo PicassoThe academic teaching on beauty is false. We have been misled, but so completely misled that we can no longer find so much as a shadow of a truth again. The beauties of the Parthenon, the Venuses, the Nymphs, the Narcisusses, are so may lies. Art is not the application of a canon of beauty, but what the instinct and the brain can conceive independently of that canon.
Pablo Picasso