I have an extremely difficult time wrapping my head around such a tragic event as the Elementary school massacre in Connecticut and unbelievable sadness for the parents, families and co-workers effected by this tragedy. We are ALL touched by this either directly or indirectly.... May hearts be comforted at such a devastating time. The world is with you.... I know I am.
Pamela MooreOh, Al, shut up! Stop criticizing me! First I'm criticized for being a prude and sounding like a social worker or something, then I'm criticized for looking like a cheap broad. How am I supposed to live? Under the water or something, coming up only to say 'I beg your pardon if I disturb you by coming up for air. I'll do my best to remain submerged.'
Pamela MooreBoth poverty and wealth are excellent things, because they are extremes, but the middle ground is damaging to the soul.
Pamela Moore