In the earlier days of history, kings and leaders went to the battlefield with their men; but today, those who determine that a nation will go to war remain safely behind. The next time leaders talk of warring, all the people should get together and send those leaders to the front lines. Give them a big arena with wonderfully effective ammunition, and the war will be finished in a day
Paramahansa YoganandaIt is foolish to be afraid of death. Just think. No more repaired tires on the body vehicle, no more patchwork living.
Paramahansa YoganandaAll Nature will commune with you when you are in tune with God. Realization of this truth will make you a master of your destiny.
Paramahansa YoganandaHarmony with nature will bring you a happiness known to few city dwellers. In the company of other truth seekers it will be easier for you to meditate and think of God.
Paramahansa YoganandaAt physical death man loses his consciousness of the flesh and becomes conscious of his astral body in the astral world. Thus physical death is astral birth. Later, he passes from the consciousness of luminous astral birth to the consciousness of dark astral death and awakens in a new physical body. Thus astral death is physical birth. These recurrent cycles of physical and astral encasements are the ineluctable destiny of all unenlightened men.
Paramahansa Yogananda