We are all part of the One Spirit. When you experience the true meaning of religion, which is to know God, you will realize that He is your Self, and that He exists equally and impartially in all beings.
Paramahansa YoganandaRelease for constructive purposes the power you already have, and more will come. Move on your path with unflinching determination, using all the attributes of success. Tune yourself with the creative power of spirit.
Paramahansa YoganandaWhen you know God as peace within, then you will realize Him as peace existing in the universal harmony of all things without.
Paramahansa YoganandaOne may have many teachers, but only one guru, who remains as one's guru even in many different lives, until the disciple reaches the final goal of emancipation in God. You must remember this, once that relationship is formed.
Paramahansa Yogananda