I want to live in a world where people become famous because of their work for peace and justice and care. I want the famous to be inspiring; their lives an example of what every human being has it in them to do - act from love!
Patch AdamsThe reason adults should look as though they are having fun, is to give kids a reason to want to grow up.
Patch AdamsNature tops the list of potent tranquilizers and stress reducers. The mere sound of moving water has been shown to lower blood pressure.
Patch AdamsIf you want to change the world, then be your own focus for a celebration of life. Really, fundamentally, at the very core of your being, be thankful you are alive, that you've got this opportunity, with these molecules, at this moment. Be thankful! Be a celebrant! Be thankful that you are alive and then look around to see who else is at the party!
Patch Adams