Amongst other strange things said of me, I hear it is said by the deists that I am one of the number; and indeed, that some good people think I am no Christian. This thought gives me much more pain than the appellation of Tory; because I think religion of infinitely higher importance than politics; and I find much cause to reproach myself that I have lived so long, and have given no decided and public proofs of my being a Christian. But, indeed, my dear child, this is a character which I prize far above all this world has, or can boast.
Patrick HenryYou ought to be extremely cautious, watchful, jealous of your liberty; for instead of securing your rights, you may lose them forever.
Patrick HenryThis house protected by an armed citizen. There is absolutely nothing here worth dying for.
Patrick HenryThe King has degenerated into a tyrant and forfeits all rights to his subjects' obedience.
Patrick Henry