My indigestion issues got gigantic and constant. And then I started thinking, I'm getting skinny. I dropped about 20 pounds in the blink of an eye. And then when you see it in the mirror, when all of a sudden, you pull your eyes down and the bottom of your eyes go yellow and jaundice sets in - then you know something's wrong.
Patrick SwayzeTo be honest, I've made a game out of trying to live through my James Dean, Janis Joplin, Freddie Prinze, Jim Morrison period, those demons that we all have that we're either successful or not at making work for us rather than destroy us.
Patrick SwayzeThere's no better way to take care of health than through something as joyous and beautiful as dance.
Patrick SwayzeWhen it looks like I may live longer than five minutes I'll drop cigarettes like a hot potato.
Patrick SwayzeI'm trying to shut up and let my angels speak to me and tell me what I'm supposed to do.
Patrick SwayzeWhen those you love die, the best you can do is honor their spirit for as long as you live. You make a commitment that you're going to take whatever lesson that person or animal was trying to teach you, and you make it true in your own life... It's a positive way to keep their spirit alive in the world, by keeping it alive in yourself.
Patrick Swayze