Since loans are getting more expensive and there's less money available, we're seeing a commensurate decline in growth. Higher costs and lower growth, in turn, translate into lower profits. Figuratively speaking, in the future, we won't be able to run as far or jump as high as we used to.
Paul AchleitnerIt's completely legitimate for a company to continue striving for growth and higher profits. But business activities have to be conducted in a sustainable manner.
Paul AchleitnerSince loans are getting more expensive and there's less money available, we're seeing a commensurate decline in growth. Higher costs and lower growth, in turn, translate into lower profits. Figuratively speaking, in the future, we won't be able to run as far or jump as high as we used to.
Paul AchleitnerEverything that individuals ever say or write can be used against them at a later point.
Paul AchleitnerDebt is not intrinsically bad. But I make clear to my children that they should only borrow as much as they will be able to pay back.
Paul Achleitner