Traditions are neither good nor bad, they simply are... Rationality is not an arbiter of traditions, it is itself a tradition or an aspect of a tradition.
Paul FeyerabendGiven any rule, however ๏ฟฝfundamental๏ฟฝ or ๏ฟฝnecessary๏ฟฝ for science, there are always circumstances when it is advisable not only to ignore the rule, but to adopt its opposite.
Paul FeyerabendKnowledge is not a series of self-consistent theories that converges toward an ideal view; it is rather an ever increasing ocean of mutually incompatible (and perhaps even incommensurable) alternatives, each single theory, each fairy tale, each myth that is part of the collection forcing the others into greater articulation and all of them contributing, via this process of competition, to the development of our consciousness.
Paul FeyerabendEarly Chinese thinkers had taken variety at face value. They had favored diversification and collected anomalies instead of trying to explain them away.
Paul FeyerabendMy intention is not to replace one set of general rules by another such set: my intention is, rather, to convince the reader that all methodologies, even the most obvious ones, have their limits.
Paul FeyerabendThere is no "scientific worldview" just as there is no uniform enterprise "science" - except in the minds of metaphysicians, school masters, and scientists blinded by the achievements of their own particular niche... There is no objective principle that could direct us away from the supermarket "religion" or the supermarket "art" toward the more modern, and much more expensive supermarket "science." Besides, the search for such guidance would be in conflict with the idea of individual responsibility which allegedly is an important ingredient of a "rational" or scientific age.
Paul Feyerabend