Many teachers are concerned about the amount of material they must cover in a course. One cynic suggested a formula: since, he said, students on the average remember only about 40% of what you tell them, the thing to do is to cram into each course 250% of what you hope will stick.
Paul HalmosI read once that the true mark of a pro - at anything - is that he understands, loves, and is good at even the drudgery of his profession.
Paul HalmosIt is the duty of all teachers, and of teachers of mathematics in particular, to expose their students to problems much more than to facts.
Paul Halmos... the student skit at Christmas contained a plaintive line: "Give us Master's exams that our faculty can pass, or give us a faculty that can pass our Master's exams."
Paul HalmosWhen a student comes and asks, "Should I become a mathematician?" the answer should be no. If you have to ask, you shouldn't even ask.
Paul HalmosI remember one occasion when I tried to add a little seasoning to a review, but I wasn't allowed to. The paper was by Dorothy Maharam, and it was a perfectly sound contribution to abstract measure theory. The domains of the underlying measures were not sets but elements of more general Boolean algebras, and their range consisted not of positive numbers but of certain abstract equivalence classes. My proposed first sentence was: "The author discusses valueless measures in pointless spaces."
Paul Halmos