[I]f you look at United States history since World War II, you find that of the 10 presidents who preceded Barack Obama, seven left office with a debt ratio lower than when they came in. Who were the three exceptions? Ronald Reagan and the two George Bushes.
Paul KrugmanThe problem with digital books is that you can always find what you are looking for but you need to go to a bookstore to find what you weren't looking for.
Paul KrugmanThe great thing about fiscal policy is that it has a direct impact and doesn't require you to bind the hands of future policymakers.
Paul KrugmanRepublican candidates had to appeal to their base, which is by and large elderly white people arguing with empty chairs.
Paul KrugmanIt should be possible to emphasize to students that the level of employment is a macroeconomic issue, depending in the short run on aggregate demand and depending in the long run on the natural rate of unemployment, with microeconomic policies like tariffs having little net effect. Trade policy should be debated in terms of its impact on efficiency, not in terms of phoney numbers about jobs created or lost.
Paul Krugman