When a war is over I think it's a cowardly thing to leave the war behind you in minefields that hit women and children and the most vulnerable. Imagine the war is finished and you go to work and there are snipers shooting at you. Imagine taking your kids to the beach and you find that the beach is blowing up beneath you. Like there's nowhere safe.
Paul McCartneySo, if I'm cooking, I'll be steaming vegetables, making some nice salad, that kind of stuff.
Paul McCartneyI'm actually doing what I want with my life. I do sometime think I could just shut up and rest on my laurels and say: you know what guys, I'll operate out of the pocket you put me in.... but no way! No way I'm gonna do that! I'd just get bored stiff the first minute.
Paul McCartneyFor you know that it's a fool who plays it cool, by making his world a little colder.
Paul McCartney