Pete Ham in the group was a very good writer.ร He wrote the Nilsson song "Without You", which is a seriously good song.ร But the poor fellow topped himself.ร He was a lovely bloke, I can still see him now.ร It was a terrible loss.
Paul McCartneyFor you know that it's a fool who plays it cool, by making his world a little colder.
Paul McCartneyI think the 'Just say no' mentality is so crazed. I saw a thing in a women's magazine the other day. 'He smokes cannabis, what am I to do? He laughs it off when I try to tell him, he says it's not really harmful...' Of course you're half hoping the advice will be, 'Well, you know it's not that harmful; if you love him, if you talk to him about it, tell him maybe he should keep it in the garden shed or something,' you know, a reasonable point of view. But of course it was, 'No, no, all drugs are bad. Librium's good, Valium's good. But cannabis, ooooh!' I hate that unreasoned attitude.
Paul McCartney