Place your hopes in the mercy of God and the merits of our Redeemer; say often, looking at the crucifix: There are centered all my hopes.
Paul of the CrossAvoid failing, not only against purity, but even against the least rules of an exact modesty.
Paul of the CrossLet us throw ourselves into the ocean of His goodness, where every failing will be canceled and anxiety turned into love.
Paul of the CrossPossess purity in an eminent degree, and jealously preserve this fragrant flower. I earnestly desire to see you shine by the brilliancy of this virtue; be like to angels, and omit no precaution to retain this treasure, which is so easily lost by imprudence. We have this treasure in earthen vessels, says the Apostle.
Paul of the CrossGod sends such purgations to you, directors of consciences, that you may acquire the science of the saints and the art of directing souls. You will suffer also in another way. Love will be your executioner. Let it do its work; it knows how. In this martyrdom we have need of extraordinary grace and strength; but God will bestow it. Without this divine help it would be impossible to bear up.
Paul of the Cross