We believe our suppliers of materials have not been impacted. At this point, our customers have not asked us to do anything differently as a result of the earthquake.
Paul OtelliniAt one level it's clear that the dam has broken. There's an inevitable move to use the Internet as a distribution medium and that's not going to stop.
Paul OtelliniI've always believed the best measure of a product's worth is customer acceptance in the marketplace.
Paul OtelliniDecades of providing technology in growing volume and at decreasing costs have driven great gains for developing nations, communities and people worldwide, but there is still much to do.
Paul OtelliniYou have to make a bet one way or another. We believe that overall demand is going to continue to grow, and its absolutely being fueled by the Internet. If anything, we're just building a little bit ahead of the curve. There's clearly a curve toward growth, and the question is 'How do you intercept that?' We've decided to intercept it as aggressively as possible.
Paul Otellini