If you look at the Gulf War or new military technologies, they are moving towards cyberwars. Most video-technologies and technologies of simulation have been used for war. For example, video was created after the Second World War in order to radio-control planes and aircraft carriers. Thus video came with the war. It took twenty years before it became a means of expression for artists.
Paul VirilioI pursue through my research on speed and on my study of the organisation of the revolution of the means of transportation.
Paul VirilioTelevision was first conceived to be used as some kind of telescope, not for broadcasting. Originally, Sworkin, the inventor of television, wanted to settle cameras on rockets so that it would be possible to watch the sky.
Paul VirilioSpeed now illuminates reality whereas light once gave objects of the world their shape.
Paul VirilioTelevision exposes the world to the accident. The world is exposed to accidents through television.
Paul VirilioAlready, viral contamination offers an initial response to the question of the downside of electronic circuits, but another area of research beckons the area of ecological pollution. The pollution not only of air, water, and other substances, but also the unperceived pollution of distances.
Paul Virilio