Maybe that is why there are not a whole lot of problems between the church and worldly culture today, because we are not confronting the culture around us.
Paul WasherWe must refuse to lean upon the broken staff of human wisdom & cling to the gospel alone as the power of God to save a hardened humanity.
Paul WasherAll my weak days have a common cause - I have neglected communion with God through my neglect of the Scriptures & prayer. When will I learn?
Paul WasherRepentance is simply giving up to stop fighting against God and to stop attempting to gain your own salvation through your own works; to literally give up and fall upon Christ. That is salvation.
Paul WasherIf a person professes faith in Christ and yet falls away or makes no progress in godliness, it does not mean that he has lost his salvation. It reveals that he was never truly converted.
Paul WasherAvoid trivial pursuits. You are a child of God, destined for glory, and called to do great things in His Name. Do not waste your life on hobbies, sports, and other recreational pursuits. Do not throw away the precious moments of your life on entertainment, movies, and video games. Though some of these things can properly have a 'small place' in the Christian's life, we must be careful not to give undue attention to temporal and fruitless activities. Do not waste your life. Employ the time of your youth in developing the character and skills necessary to be a useful servant of God.
Paul Washer