Everybody wants to go to heaven. They just don't want God to be there when they get there.
Paul WasherLook to the fields white unto harvest; pray for the fields; prepare for the fields; go to the fields or support those who go.
Paul WasherPray for the field. If God calls, then prepare for the field. When it is time, go to the field. A life lost for Christ is a life well spent.
Paul WasherIf you give them a God made in their own image, I guarantee they'll accept Him. But He won't be the God who saves.
Paul WasherIn modern day evangelism, this precious doctrine [of regeneration] has been reduced to nothing more than a human decision to raise one's hand, walk an aisle, or pray a 'sinner's prayer.' As a result, the majority of Americans believe that they've been 'born again' even though their thoughts, words, and deeds are a continual contradiction to the nature and will of God.
Paul Washer