In the Native American tradition... a man, if he's a mature adult, nurtures life. He does rituals that will help things grow, he helps raise the kids, and he protects the people. His entire life is toward balance and cooperativeness. The ideal of manhood is the same as the ideal of womanhood. You are autonomous, self-directing, and responsible for the spiritual, social and material life of all those with whom you live.
Paula Gunn Allen... America has amnesia. ... Certainly, there is a passion for memory loss in American thought. ... Americans may be the world champion forgetters.
Paula Gunn AllenTrue shamans live in a world that is alive with what is to rationalist sight unseen, a world pulsing with intelligence.
Paula Gunn AllenAn odd thing occurs in the minds of Americans when Indian civilization in mentioned: little or nothing.
Paula Gunn AllenIt's a little-known linguistic curiosity that the name Jehovah or Jaweh is the same name as Eve; Havva, the counterpart name in Farsi, the language spoken by the Persians, means either Jaweh or Eve.
Paula Gunn AllenBreath is life, and the intermingling of breaths is the purpose of good living. This is in essence the great principle on which all productive living must rest, for relationships among all the beings of the universe must be fulfilled; in this way each individual life may also be fulfilled.
Paula Gunn Allen