I did it through our ministries. We had ordination and basically understanding there ought - to be ordained that God has set apart, for the purposes of ministry. This is an important thing because of that defining moment, when I held that word up, I said I want to spend the rest of my life helping people.
Paula WhiteSatisfaction comes from the inside out, so people keep gravitating from things externally to try to fill something - get a man to complete them, get money to complete them, get a job to complete them and still find themselves frustrated.
Paula WhiteI can begin to give God attributes. He's a counselor. He's a healer. He's a friend that sits closer than a brother. To me, he just - I sum it up that he's my anchor, my rock, my foundation in life, that my life was - had an emptiness - a deep, dark void with something - it had a lot of fulfillment externally, but something inside said there's more.
Paula White