I did it through our ministries. We had ordination and basically understanding there ought - to be ordained that God has set apart, for the purposes of ministry. This is an important thing because of that defining moment, when I held that word up, I said I want to spend the rest of my life helping people.
Paula WhiteIt outlines the fact that we are twins, we grew up together, but then we went to different colleges and went in separate directions.
Paula WhiteTo say you're going to wiggle your nose and that is going to happen, it won't happen. If you look at major companies who are doing wonderful things, wonderful things and they give their portfolio billions of dollars that they make and they give away $10 million or so, when you start putting the percentages there, what we are doing is significant.
Paula WhiteMy definition of prosperity would be quite different than what most people probably imagine or think, because I think that a wholeness word that means nothing missing, nothing broken. It's not finances or materialism.
Paula White