When those types of situations[like abuse] begin to occur in your life - I had bought in from a very early age that fundamentally something must be wrong with me.
Paula WhiteDon't let your history hinder you from your destiny... you are only held back by yourself! You aren't what they say you were, you are who God says you are!!
Paula WhiteWhen you find your authentic self, your identity - your true identity - how many people work a job they hate or live a life, they're going oh my gosh.
Paula WhiteSomeone's opinion of you isn't reality... unless you decide to allow it!! You are who God says you are!!!
Paula WhiteFor the first time [with the Bible] - I know this sounds so corny - but I knew love. I had such an empty love tank. I had all the questions to life that didn't make sense. Two and two didn't add up to four. From my father's death - if you loved me, why did you leave me? Why did you kill yourself? And so when this happened, it took my life in a completely different direction.
Paula White