... there is no valid teaching from which there does not emerge something learned and through which the learner does not become capable of recreating and remaking what has been taught.
Paulo Freiresome may think that to affirm dialogueโthe encounter of women and men in the world in order to transform the worldโis naively and subjectively idealistic. there is nothing, however, more real or concrete than people in the world and with the world, than humans with other humans.
Paulo FreireThe world is split between those who do not sleep because they are hungry and those who do not sleep because they are afraid of those who are hungry.
Paulo FreireTo simply think about the people, as the dominators do, without any self-giving in that thought, to fail to think with the people, is a sure way to cease being revolutionary leaders.
Paulo FreireIndividuals who were submerged in reality, merely feeling their needs, emerge from reality and perceive the causes of their needs.
Paulo FreireFinally, it is important to make it clear that imagination is not an exercise for those detached from reality, those who live in the air. On the contrary, when we imagine something, we do it necessarily conditioned by a lack in our concrete reality. When children imagine free and happy schools, it is because their real schools deny them freedom and happiness.
Paulo Freire