Of course, I love everyone I meet. How could I fail to! Within everyone is the spark of God. I am not concerned with racial or ethnic background or the color of one's skin; all people look to me like shining lights! I see in all creatures the reflections of God. All people are my kinfolk - people to me are beautiful!
Peace PilgrimWe worship God, but have no faith in the workings of God's laws of love. The world awaits the living of the law of love, which will reach the divine within all human beings and transform them.
Peace PilgrimYou can find God if you will only seek - by obeying divine laws, by loving people, by relinquishing self-will, attachments, negative thoughts and feelings. And when you find God it will be in stillness. You will find God within.
Peace PilgrimIf you feed a man a meal, you only feed him for a day-but if you teach a man to grow food, you feed him for a lifetime.
Peace PilgrimA few really dedicated people can offset the ill effects of masses of out-of-harmony people, so we who work for peace must not falter.
Peace PilgrimAs I looked about the world, so much of it impoverished, I became increasingly uncomfortable about having so much while my brothers and sisters were starving. Finally I had to find another way. The turning point came when, in desperation and out of a very deep seeking for a meaningful way of life, I walked all one night through the woods. I came to a moonlit glade and prayed.
Peace Pilgrim