I think whites are carefully taught not to recognize white privilege, as males are taught not to recognize male privilege.
Peggy McIntoshIf my day, week, or year is going badly, I need not ask of each negative episode or situation whether it has racial overtones.
Peggy McIntoshWhite privilege is like an invisible weightless knapsack of special provisions, maps, passports, codebooks, visas, clothes, tools, and blank checks.
Peggy McIntoshI can take a job with an affirmative action employer without having my co-workers on the job suspect that I got it because of my race.
Peggy McIntoshone question for me and others like me is whether ... we will get truly distressed, even outraged, about unearned race advantage and conferred dominance and, if so, what we will do to lessen them.
Peggy McIntoshIt seems to me that obliviousness about white advantage, like obliviousness about male advantage, is kept strongly inculturated in the United States so as to maintain the myth of meritocracy, the myth that democratic choice is equally available to all. Keeping most people unaware that freedom of confident action is there for just a small number of people props up those in power and serves to keep power in the hands of the same groups that have most of it already.
Peggy McIntosh