Holding on to beliefs limits our experience of life. That doesn't mean that beliefs or ideas or thinking is a problem; the stubborn attitude of having to have things be a particular way, grasping on to our beliefs and thoughts, all these cause the problems. To put it simply, using your belief system this way creates a situation in which you choose to be blind instead of being able to see, to be deaf instead of being able to hear, to be dead rather than alive, asleep rather than awake.
Pema ChodronAll you need to know is that the future is wide open and you are about to create it by what you do.
Pema ChodronPatience has nothing to do with suppression. In fact, it has everything to do with a gentle, honest relationship with yourself.
Pema ChodronWhen we are willing to stay even a moment with uncomfortable energy, we gradually learn not to fear it.
Pema ChodronRemind yourself, in whatever way is personally meaningful, that it is not in your best interest to reinforce thoughts and feelings of unworthiness. Even if you've already taken the bait and feel the familiar pull of self-denigration, marshal your intelligence, courage, and humor in order to turn the tide. Ask yourself: Do I want to strengthen what I'm feeling now? Do I want to cut myself off from my basic goodness? Remind yourself that your fundamental nature is unconditionally open and free.
Pema Chodron