There is eloquence in the tongueless wind, and a melody in the flowing brooks and the rustling of the reeds beside them, which by their inconceivable relation to something within the soul, awaken the spirits to a dance of breathless rapture, and bring tears of mysterious tenderness to the eyes, like the enthusiasm of patriotic success, or the voice of one beloved singing to you alone.
Percy Bysshe ShelleyFate,Time,Occasion,Chance, and Change? To these All things are subject but eternal love.
Percy Bysshe ShelleyIt is a modest creed, and yet Pleasant if one considers it, To own that death itself must be, Like all the rest, a mockery.
Percy Bysshe ShelleyI arise from dreams of thee, And a spirit in my feet Has led me- who knows how? To thy chamber-window, Sweet!
Percy Bysshe ShelleyI was an infant when my mother went To see an atheist burned. She took me there. The dark-robed priests were met around the pile; The multitude was gazing silently; And as the culprit passed with dauntless mien, Tempered disdain in his unaltering eye, Mixed with a quiet smile, shone calmly forth; The thirsty fire crept round his manly limbs; His resolute eyes were scorched to blindness soon; His death-pang rent my heart! the insensate mob Uttered a cry of triumph, and I wept. Weep not, child! cried my mother, for that man Has said, 'There is no God.'
Percy Bysshe Shelley