We do not say that a man who takes no interest in public affairs is a man who minds his own business. We say he has no business being here at all.
PericlesI am of opinion that national greatness is more for the advantage of private citizens, than any individual well-being coupled with public humiliation. A man may be personally ever so well off, and yet if his country be ruined he must be ruined with it; whereas a flourishing commonwealth always affords chances of salvation to unfortunate individuals.
PericlesFor the whole earth is the tomb of famous men; not only are they commemorated by columns and inscriptions in their own country, but in foreign lands there dwells also an unwritten memorial of them, graven not on stone but in the hearts of men.
PericlesFor grief is felt not so much for the want of what we have never known, as for the loss of that to which we have been long accustomed.