Plotinus thought that the entire world has a single soul. He also thought that each animal and plant and of course human, has an individual soul.
Peter AdamsonAssuming there is an intellect, we're clearly not this universal intellect or we would know it. So that's one function of soul.
Peter AdamsonIn fact one of the things about Plotinus is that he maybe not singlehandedly, but I think more than anyone else, killed off the variety and dissension among the philosophical schools of antiquity.
Peter AdamsonThis condition of uncertainty and unrest in the Roman Empire might explain why at Plotinus' philosophy encourages us to sort of flee from the physical world and towards the world of ideas.
Peter AdamsonThe soul must be distinct from intellect because even at its best, what the soul does when it's thinking, is it thinks linguistically, it thinks in a temporarily extended way, so it for example, might go through the steps of an argument chain, as if you were going through a syllogism and seeing that something followed from the premises, whereas intellect simply grasps the forms.
Peter Adamson