Two or three years ago, every game I want to score. And after I score a goal I have a spark and I'm so happy I want more. Now I'mkind of different. I'm not saying I lost my spark - I still have it - but I don't chase the goal as much as I used to. I'm playing for the team andI still know I can score, but it's different than two or three years back.Look at great teams like Detroit a couple of years ago; they winthe Stanley Cup and guys only score 25 goals, nobody has a really big season. You have to play defense, that's how you win.
Peter BondraObviously, I have a lot of memories here... but at the same time I'm going to put all my energies into moving forward and doing my best for the Thrashers.
Peter BondraThe celebration... you cannot practice it or anything. It's a moment when the excitement of your goal make you react to the moment.
Peter Bondra