Don't walk in with a colonial mindset and say, "We know your problem and we're going to fix it."
Peter BuffettAmerica comes from a flawed but wonderful idea. Many great things have sprung forth over the past few hundred years but there were deep issues in the beginning that now are starting to show up.
Peter BuffettPower over seems to be driving our very young species into a ditch because it's from an old competitive, "there may not be enough" kind of framework of scarcity. Power with is thinking abundantly as opposed to fearfully. Power with is hopefully where we're going - and where we need to go as a species in order to survive.
Peter BuffettIt seems inevitable that you'd end up getting someone like Trump telling us all how important and amazing he is.
Peter BuffettAll of us were tuned in during our early development but we lose our connection to intuition over time as other things come into play.
Peter BuffettI've seen women essentially martyr themselves for the good of the future and the good of their children and, again, the good of love. That shouldn't be happening but it shows you the strength and power of it, and the fact that it will take over a woman's sense of her own survival. Men have taken advantage of that for hundreds and probably thousands of years.
Peter Buffett