When I got to Grinnell College, I was part of the black turtleneck sweater and Camel cigarette crowd of poets and writers.
Peter CoyoteI got out of college and I went to get my master's in creative writing at San Francisco State. I was working as an actor at the Actor's Workshop, being abused as a intern.
Peter CoyoteAny political agenda and organization which doesn't begin with personal responsibility is just half the argument. It's just not going to succeed.
Peter CoyoteWhere I didn't have the maturity and the compassion to consider other people's needs, I did a lot of damage.
Peter CoyoteI think it's good that people value their bodies and take care of them. I think if you cross the line and begin using your body as an asset or as an extension of your vanity, you've gone too far.
Peter CoyoteThe idea of absolute freedom is fiction. It's based on the idea of an independent self. But in fact, there's no such thing. There's no self without other people. There's no self without sunlight. There's no self without dew. And water. And bees to pollinate the food that we eat...So the idea of behaving in a way that doesn't acknowledge those reciprocal relationships is not really freedom, it's indulgence.
Peter Coyote