NASA calls stuff nominal instead of phenomenal, like it really is. So I have given up that there is going to be a balance and NASA is going to do certain things and we are finally in a state of existence where small groups of individuals can do extraordinary things, funded by single people.
Peter DiamandisMining asteroids will ultimately benefit humanity on and off the Earth in a multitude of ways.
Peter DiamandisGo and try to start your own government in the United States today and you'll be squashed very quickly.
Peter DiamandisI believed that once we got to the Moon, there was no stopping us. But in fact, we did stop.
Peter DiamandisI became very much, if I have to describe myself, I'm sort of a Libertarian Capitalist, and I was looking for, what's the economic engine that's going to drive us into space?
Peter DiamandisWe have these 100 mms delays, you know, our attention is on our PDA, we're always in a rush. We drive around in these 4,000 pound metal wombs, these 4,000 pound containment systems to protect us from these 6,000 pound cars from smacking us.
Peter DiamandisDuring the next 50 years, in countless cycles, in countless entrepreneurial companies, this let's just go and do it mentality will help us finally get off the planet and irreversibly open the space frontier. The capital and tools are finally being placed into the hands of those willing to risk, willing to fail, willing to follow the dreams.
Peter Diamandis