Magic doesn't suit everyone. Only those prepared to take full responsibility for themselves should apply.
Peter J. CarrollIf only one fifth of your spells work you have real power. If only one fifth of your divinations work you have a serious disability.
Peter J. CarrollFlat Earth theory serves well enough for a trip from the cave to the water hole and back, and a third dimension going up into the sky and down underground serves to accommodate gods and devils A lot of people still think like that, believe it or not.
Peter J. CarrollAn old joke puts its thus, "when a man speaks to a god its prayer , when a god speaks to a man its schizophrenia"... Many people hear voices without suffering any of the debilitating and dysfunctional effects associated with schizophrenia, some treat these as sources of inspiration of develop religious ideas around them, others become mediums or occultists.
Peter J. Carroll