[General James Mattis] a very talented individual. He's - has a personal library of about 10,000 books and he's read most of them on military history and strategy and so forth.
Peter R. MansoorGeneral [James] Mattis has got a really intellectual mindset about how the United States should go about protecting its national security.
Peter R. Mansoor[ General James Mattis] is a Marine's Marine who has served in combat in both Afghanistan and Iraq.
Peter R. MansoorCertainly, we shouldn't go about making a habit of taking generals and making them secretary of defense.
Peter R. MansoorWhy do soldiers fight? They join because they believe in a higher cause -- protecting religion, their nation, defending against a foreign nation. But why do soldier stay and fight? Soldiers aren't individuals. They are part of a unit. And that unit is led by a commander. If they don't trust their commander ... if there is no leadership, there is nothing.
Peter R. Mansoor