General [James] Mattis has said that the deal's in place. We can't unilaterally pull out of it without support from our allies because the sanctions wouldn't bite as deeply. And so he'll find other ways to push back against Iran in the various conflicts that Iran is fomenting around the [Iran] region.
Peter R. Mansoor[ General James Mattis] is a Marine's Marine who has served in combat in both Afghanistan and Iraq.
Peter R. MansoorMichele Flournoy, by the way, is not just a talented and bright person. She was Hillary Clinton's secretary of defense in-waiting. So for her to give General [James] Mattis her support, that says something significant.
Peter R. MansoorCertainly, we shouldn't go about making a habit of taking generals and making them secretary of defense.
Peter R. MansoorI think that you will see some significant changes in the [Donald] Trump administration.
Peter R. MansoorIran has proxies in Yemen, Syria, Iraq. You can push back against Iran without pulling out of the deal.
Peter R. MansoorGeneral [James] Mattis has said that the deal's in place. We can't unilaterally pull out of it without support from our allies because the sanctions wouldn't bite as deeply. And so he'll find other ways to push back against Iran in the various conflicts that Iran is fomenting around the [Iran] region.
Peter R. Mansoor