In a world where wealth is growing, you can get away with printing money. Doubling the debt over the next 20 years is not a problem.
Peter ThielIf you focus on near-term growth above all else, you miss the most important question you should be asking: will this business still be around a decade from now?
Peter ThielI think anything that requires real global breakthroughs requires a degree of intensity and sustained effort that cannot be done part time, so it's something you have to do around the clock, and that doesn't compute with our existing educational system.
Peter ThielThere are many more secrets in the world that are waiting to be found. The question of how many secrets exist in our world is roughly equivalent to how many startups people should start.
Peter ThielThere are only two kinds of businesses in this world: Businesses in crazy competition, and businesses that are one of a kind.
Peter ThielHigher education is the place where people who had big plans in high school get stuck in fierce rivalries with equally smart peers over conventional careers like management consulting and investment banking. For the privilege of being turned into conformists, students (or their families) pay hundreds of thousands of dollars in skyrocketing tuition that continues to outpace inflation. Why are we doing this to ourselves?
Peter Thiel