Eventually I had so many little melodies and ideas that, you know, that they were all songs to me and I threw in a few cover songs like Enya's "Watermark," Bach, and my dad's song, "Song for the Whales."
Petra HadenHarmony has always come very natural to us because we started singing harmony at an early age. We heard a lot of different music growing up.
Petra HadenThe Conversation was a movie I saw probably for the first time in the early 2000s. I immediately loved the piano and just how simple it is.
Petra HadenI played violin from when I was about eight to thirteen, so I could read a little bit, but if you put a piece of music in front of me now, I would probably know the notes, but not the timing, how they're supposed to be played, and I just don't know how to read chords. If I'd stuck with it, I'd probably have more jobs.
Petra Haden