Avowed work, even when uncongenial, is far less trying to patience than feigned pleasure.
Philip Gilbert HamertonNever be afraid of What is good; the good is always the road to what is true.
Philip Gilbert HamertonSociety is, and must be, based upon appearances, and not upon the deepest appearances, and not realities.
Philip Gilbert HamertonWe need society, and we need solitude also, as we need summer and winter, day and night, exercise and rest.
Philip Gilbert HamertonHigh culture always isolates, always drives men out of their class, and makes it more difficult for them to share naturally and easily the common class-life around them. They seek the few companions who can understand them, and when these are not to be had within a traversable distance, they sit and work alone.
Philip Gilbert HamertonFew of us have been so exceptionally unfortunate as not to find, in our own age, some experienced friend who has helped us by precious counsel, never to be forgotten. We cannot render it in kind, but perhaps in the fulness of time it may become our noblest duty to aid another as we have ourselves been aided, and to transmit to him an invaluable treasure, the tradition of the intellectual life.
Philip Gilbert Hamerton